Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Fabulous 4th of July


I am writing this post using a "cool" new tool call WINDOWS Live Writer.  It's a separate "free product" that  allows you to create your blog postings easily.  It has lots of capabilities like pictures, links, videos, etc. and preview.    The preview is shown the exact way it would be displayed on your blog.  Very Cool!!  It is very easy to use without the cumbersome requirements of some blog editing tools  

Download Windows Live Writer FREE

I've been busy preparing classes for digital scrapbooking.  Here's a digital layout ready to be further embellished.  I like the idea of Hybrid scrapbooking - it's a combination of digital and regular scrapbooking. 



Cheryl said...

Such fun layouts! So you are going to teach digital scrapbooking? Where? It's a lot of work to prepare!

Oh, and I have tried Windows Live Writer when it first came out and it is cool, but at that time it didn't upload the photos, but I know they have fixed it since then, but I just don't have time to try everything...I actually want to upgrade to Outlook 2007 and blog from there. I've tested it at work and it's cool, but need the program at home.

Jenny said...

Great layout!! Thanks for stopping by my blog to leave me a comment on my card!